
Android Voice Commands and Voice Actions

Android is most advanced mobile operating system like Apple iOS. Android devices comes with inbuilt voice actions option. It means your device will work on your voice commands similar to iPhone Siri which was released with iPhone 4s. Using Voice commands you can make  calls, messages, internet searching, playing music track by artist, title and more with Android Smartphone. Almost all smartphones comes with Android voice actions. It is hidden function of android phones. Most android users like direct search via tap on microphone and speak what you would like to search in device or on the internet.

Here I will tell you basic commands for android voice actions and how to use them on your device. I hope you will like those commands on your android device and really helpful for quick actions. But you should avoid this if your accent not so good or you have noise around you.

Android Voice Commands and Voice Actions

To start voice actions tap on microphone icon in google search bar on android home screen or on Samsung you can double press home screen button.

Below are the voice commands for various voice actions on your Android device :-

Voice actions may not work properly as expected, as numerous variables (accent, Background noise) can affect its performance. You can change speaking language from setting to your native accent.

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