
Facebook Messenger for Windows, Android, BlackBerry, and iPhone

Facebook Messenger is available for Windows, Android, iOS, BlackBerry.  Recently Facebook launched www.messenger.com to do chat on web browser. To get it on any device just open www.messenger.com , Follow instructions. You will get it.

The chat application essentially replicates the side bar of the Facebook site right on your browser. This is a late but good move by Facebook because there was a dearth of good chat apps which did something beyond basic support for chatting using Jabber Protocol. Many of the available apps were malware at best and were of little to no use. Facebook, we feel was tad late releasing this app for Windows but never the less it is really welcome.

Facebook Messenger on Windows Desktop

The app is only around 400 KB so you should be good to go in minutes. Messenger is currently available to Windows 7 only with the Vista version being in development. Facebook has stated that they will not support XP as of now. Go to http://www.facebook.com/about/messenger , download and install facebook messanger.

Installation on Mobile

To get the app on you Mobile :

Facebook on iPhone

Facebook Messenger for Web Browser

Yes, Facebook recently launched it’s messenger for desktop browsers. You haven’t need to download any software or apps on your computer. Just simply open www.Messenger.com in your browser. Login and continue chatting with your friends instantly, However i don’t think it has anything new. Because We can already see online friends list in browser and chat on facebook.com directly. But it will be beneficial to those who want to use only messenger. Yes, it is useful to use as messenger no unwanted distraction from Facebook wall updates.

So go for Facebook messenger, it will let you chat with your friends anytime without using your browser.

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